Call for Human-Centered Design Innovation Seed Grant Proposals

UPDATE: Applications will be accepted beginning January 15, 2024 at 11:59 GMT. Thereafter, applications will be accepted and considered on a rolling basis until all available grants are distributed. This presents a unique opportunity for groups who have not yet completed their HCD courses to do so. We look forward to reviewing your application!


AMPATH Ghana is pleased to announce the launch of the Human-Centered Design Innovation Seed Grant Program. We invite proposals from innovative and passionate individuals or teams to use human-centered design to bring about meaningful improvements in care delivery across various domains within our institution. The primary goal of this grant program is to catalyze transformative projects that improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare services.

We recognize the importance of fostering innovation to address critical and complex challenges that affect healthcare quality and delivery. To achieve this, we are seeking out and supporting creative projects that will utilize human-centered design, a creative problem-solving approach, to address challenges in the clinical settings. 

Who is this grant for?

‍We are seeking passionate people at Tamale Teaching Hospital who want to make an impact! We strongly encourage applications from all administrative and clinical provider types including specialists, residents, medical officers, mid-level providers, nurses, administrators, and health professions students at the University for Development Studies.



Grant Amount:
Up to 10,000 GHC per project. Grant funds may be used for supplies, facility rental funds, purchase of small equipment not otherwise available, or other approved expenses. Grant funds may not be used for salary support or personal expenses.

Number of Awards:
Approximately 5 grants. Smaller awards may be considered based on application, budget, and fund availability.

Projects are expected to be started and completed within 3-6 months.

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Eligibility Criteria

Applicants may be individuals or teams at Tamale Teaching Hospital with interest in applying human-centered design to a health-related problem within the TTH catchment area. Prior experience in human-centered design is not required. Applications from existing teams or working groups within TTH are highly encouraged. 


  • Projects must include principles or methods inclusive of Human-Centered Design.

  • Each individual or team must complete a free Introduction to Human-Centered Design course or Systems Practice course. This is a self-paced course to learn about principles of HCD and its application to different health-related problems. We suggest using your project idea as the “problem” in this course to help develop your proposal. If you need further assistance in developing the HCD aspect of this proposal, please email Dr. Claudia Leung at

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Application Instructions:

  1. Application components:
    • Completed Application Form (download below)
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume for each team member
    • Certificate of Completion of the Introduction to Human-Centered Design course or Systems Practice course (minimum one per application)

  2. Applicant info session: Monday, November 27 at 6p GMT
    (Zoom link:

  3. Application due date: January 15, 2024 at 11:59 GMT. Thereafter, applications will be accepted and considered on a rolling basis until all available grants are distributed.
    To submit: Use link below or email to